Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2006... Thank God it's gone!

2006 was not the happiest year in my life. Several things occurred that really loused it up for me.
I was attacked and vilified in print and on the Internet for no other reason than jealousy and I had to resort to legal action to stop it.
I lost a very old friend through cancer. I had known him and his family for over 40 years. I miss him a lot. I lost another friend, much younger this time, due to her leaving the country for a new life abroad. Fortunately, in this case, we still keep in touch regularly and I’m pleased to know she is very happy and settled in her new environment.
I had a few family problems to deal with that were serious and which caused quite a lot of worry. Eventually, though, things worked out ok.
2006 did have its up-side, however. I shook off someone who had been a constant source of irritation to me for some time. I patched up a few differences with a friend with whom I was having a sort of love-hate association. I’m pleased about that because she has always been a little bit special to me. She too, is now much happier than she has been before.
Towards the end of the year, I was very upset to find that someone I trusted and respected appeared to have feet of clay. This is a very private matter and I shall not dwell on it.
Right now, I’m looking forward to a much different picture. I have discovered a new way of life that I intend to explore to the full and already, I am beginning to feel the effects of this.
I am trying to reconcile myself to someone with whom I had a recent disagreement and I hope that I can succeed in this venture. If the lady is as forgiving as she is beautiful, I should be halfway there!
For 2007, it’s a case of continuing the story of Iris. There is quite a fund of articles in the pipeline that I hope will interest and amuse you. At the moment, I’m working on a three-part article about a trip to Paris we enjoyed in the Spring of 1974.
Please keep your comments rolling in. I hope to be able to replace the tag-box in the near future if a certain young lady will be kind enough to sort it for me! (HINT!)


Anonymous said...

[quote] Towards the end of the year, I was very upset to find that someone I trusted and respected appeared to have feet of clay [/quote]

Roy James I bet. he has let a lot of people down

Graeme said...

No, you are quite mistaken.