Saturday, October 27, 2007

Unforseen circumstances

I am Fran, youngest daughter and am writing this on behalf of my father. As you all know he has been in and out of hospital for a while, recently he collapsed and was taken back into hospital, and sadly to say he will no longer be able to write on this blog again as he wont be coming home. He hasnt got long left and is going downhill and fading fast. He has asked me to write this notice as he cannot get in touch with people personally.
If he does leave the hospital he will be going to a hospice to see out what very little time he has left.... he doesn't want you feeling sorry for him, but to celebrate his good and sometimes over-indulgent lifestyle and have a few drinks for him and to toast and remember him.
He brought me his last present today, a new dog for me to love and be loved, as my old family dog i have had for 10 years had to be put to sleep earlier this week due to illness and severe pain..... he wished it was as quick and easy for him to end the pain he is in now....
if i get the chance i will keep updating his blog on his behalf and keep you all up-to-date on how he is..... But being honest and knowing my dad as i do ..... he wont be suffering for long, and will go with the dignity he wants and deserves....
