Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year 1974!

For the past few years, I’d had a standing engagement on New Year’s Eve to compère a cabaret at a private club in Chesterfield. It was a regular booking so it was not difficult for me to be away from home. I usually went on my own but this year, I would be taking Iris. The audience comprised mainly of professional people; doctors and lawyers mostly, and it was usually a very enjoyable affair.
The highlight of the New Year’s evening was the parading of the haggis! The haggis was brought in accompanied by a Scottish piper in full regimental dress and served immediately after
Iris loved the show and she looked so very dazzling in her new evening dress that I had bought her for the occasion. I think that every male eye was on her that night!
The party finished around
2am and we went home in a cab provided for us. We got back about half an hour or so later and although we were very tired, we toasted each other with a nightcap before going to bed. Thus ended our first wonderful year together.


Anonymous said...

You have mistaken St. Andrew's day and Burn's night with the nicht o'candle's. Sure Haggis is eaten but it's no an integral thing and only the English would think so, so ye piper should hae known this. Ye dinna celebrate the Haggis on New year's day or the nicht befae which is Hogmany. A piper bringing in a Haggis at New year, lol, only the English could be sae daft gawk's.

Graeme said...

I don't know about that. All I know is that tte private club celebrated New year's Eve that way

Anonymous said...

well ye only celebrate the Haggis on Burn's night an onae efter Rab's poem Ode to a Haggis. At New year us Scots go first footing an I never heard o anyone doing what you did an as a Scot I'm proud o ma tradition so I hope you don't mind me putting you English to right's?