Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Time to re-think

It is some days now since I posted a request for advice whether to go ahead with publishing the Iris story...
It would appear from the absence of comments that there is a total lack of interest and I'm seriously thinking of winding this blog up.


Anonymous said...

I intended to write a comment earlier but I was away.
Yes, you should publish. The poetry alone is worth preserving.

snowfairy said...

do not stop this blog. Do you really want comments off just anyone or people that are inspired through your work? you know great things canbe acheived but patience is a virtue. Be still and wait keep going dont stop, for great things will come from this you wait and see i have

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about your blog at the time. Howevev, I am very pleased you did keep it up. wish I was just half as able as you are to express myself in English.